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澳渍丽地毯魔法师 Carpet Power
特别为您心爱的地毯研制,能快速而有效地去清除污渍及消除气味。此产品是通过了Wool Safe Organisation(羊毛安全组织)认证的安全产品。详情可浏览以下网址:www.woolsafe.org         
Carpet Power is specially formulated to remove stubborn stains and eliminate odours. This product has been approved by the Australian wool safe organization as an effective and safe cleaner for carpet that cleans without damaging delicate materials. Please visit www.woolsafe.org
Effective on stubborn stains such as tea, coffee, red wine, make-up and pet stains around the home and office.
Direction of use: Spray directly onto stain. Gently work from the outer stain to centre with a clean, damp cloth or sponge. Leave for up to five minutes. Thoroughly rinse excess product from the stain area by gently pressing with a damp cloth with the aid of small amounts of water. Vaccum if needed. Heavy stains and thick pile of carpet may need a second application.

上海嘉怡实业有限公司 Shanghai Jiayi Industry Co. Ltd. ©2010 All rights reserved.
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