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澳渍丽衣物预洗液 Pre wash
环保、高效的预洗剂,可清除任何衣物上的食物、果汁、红酒、化妆品等留下的污渍,以及血渍、汗渍,去除污渍的同时带走异味,且不伤害衣物本身,适用 于丝绸、羊毛等......
使用方法:首先将本产品喷洒在衣物污渍表面1-5分钟,使其渗透入衣物的污渍内,再按照正常的衣物清洗即可。顽固污渍可重复上述过程。加入少许洗衣 液更可除去异味。
An advanced prewash stain remover that not only helps you removes stains and also eliminate odours at the same time. This fabulous fabric stain remover is suitable on any material even delicate fabrics such as silk and wool.  It works by a process called Micro-Encapsulation where tiny micro capsules locks the fragrances in the fabric while removing the stain at the same time.
Prewash Power can remove dirt, food, wine, oil, perspiration stains and many others.
Direction of use: Saturate stained area and rub into fabric. Leave for 5 minutes to penetrate. Re-treatment may be requires for stubborn stains. Add a few squirts to your washing to help clean and de-odorise clothing.

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